Thursday, October 29, 2009

First post and I'm wondering what to write...

Well now, this is new. That is to say, old plan, new thing.

Having intended to start a blog for quite a while now, I finally decided to get around to doing just that; blogging. But why now? I'll tell you; it is because I am a grade-A* procrastinator. I can procrastinate about procrastination whilst procrastinating about something completely insignificant. Still, I'm here now and with any luck, I'll be able to keep at it.

I figure I'll do the usual thing that bloggers appear to do; narrate my existence, review books I've read, films I've seen and music I like, post photos of my everyday goings on (which'll be interesting since I haven't got a working camera right now and the prospect of getting a new one is looking bleak.) the odd drawing or two (more likely, as I draw ALL THE TIME.) and just generally detail my exploits upon and around the globe.

I will do my utmost to make my blogology an interesting and refreshing concept in your daily net-life but I promise nothing. I write how I write and I'm not changing that specially for t3h 1n73Rn37Z.
HOWEVER - For my sins, I'm told I'm actually rather good at writing in a entertaining fashion so I aim to please.

I think, for now, I shall leave it all at this standpoint. I need sleep for now and this I feel will give people a reasonable idea as to what I'm trying to achieve. More later today maybe.

Have fun, yours;



  1. Looking forward to the wise words of a Mister Asmodaeus..

    I shall read keenly

  2. yay! =D can't wait for the next ones =D lol!!


Be nice, avoid pointless insults, but always speak the truth. If you like it, or even if you don't, be free in your words and let me know why.