Sunday, November 15, 2009

Humanoid robots, girls in mini-skirts and way too much Universe... the recipe for some strange kind of an evenin'.

So yeah, turns out I've been stuck in a sci-fi day today. Totally unintentional I swear, but you know how it is. I finished reading the 3rd installment in the "Science Of Discworld" series and proceeded to do large and unproductive amounts of NOTHING all day. Found new webcomic, it is quite entertaining; (Also, REALLY appropriate for today...see the title of the webpage for more.)
After spending several hours reading aforementioned comic (I'm still at it, which is why it is past 22:00 as I write this.) I stopped to watch an Anime on the shadowy pit of demonary that is Youtube, the people's cesspit of self-broadcast idiocy. Despite it's traits, Youtube can supply we of the common citizenry with some half-decent viewing at times. Such a time is today, with "FLCL", an animation series written by Yoji Enokido, directed by
Kazuya Tsurumaki and produced by the FLCL Production Committee, which included Gainax, Production I.G., and Starchild Records.
FLCL follows Naota Nandaba, a twelve-year-old boy living in the fictional Japanese suburb of Mabase, and his interactions with Haruko Haruhara, who arrives in the quiet suburb, drawn by the industrial town houses and the Medical Mechanica building. Much madness ensues, but you'll have to watch it to find out. Very few stereotypes here, all pretty fresh and exciting annnnd...twisted as hell really. XD You may enjoy, there are only 6 episodes in the playlist.
Robots are are girls in mini-skirts...and crazy exploding things. Awesome soundtrack too.

So...the final bit of Sci-Fi would of course have to be...DOCTOR WHO.
Yes, he's back and...emotional. Ah, but Tennant rocks the role to Kingdom come and back as always. =D A total surprise and happy times all round.

Oh yes, you go, you listen to this, you report back in the comments section below. Created by the devilish DJ.DR.DB. (T3H N3CR0B4RN53R)

Now...I have school tomorrow and work still to do so...I leave. The real fun starts tomorrow folks so...have faith!!! I told you my weekends were boring.

Have fun, yours;


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lea & Perrin's...God's answer to...well, pretty much everything really. really is. Well, apart from Australia...even God doesn't have an answer for that.

To begin, a spontaneous poem;

A young girl stands alone in the street,
surrounded by thousands,
violin case at her feet.

Holding her instrument tight to her neck,
she prepares for a melody,
without stopping to check.

Because the girl's violin is tuned to an art,
every string upon is as frail as her heart,
though the music alone takes the lead in its part.

She plays through the day well in to the night,
with angelic precision,
she puts shadows to flight.

Calming the souls of all those around,
though they seem to ignore her,
thier coins answer the sound.

She stops her tune at the end of the day,
picks up her money,
and puts her equipment away.

Where do you go young Violin girl,
when people have left you,
and you've let your music unfurl?

A bit awry I know, but it was written quickly. I devote this to the beautiful young woman I saw playing the Violin (Oh really, you mean you'd already guessed this bit?) that I saw today whist I was in town. Her music was truly amazing, so pure and it filled the streets as I walked. It made me smile.

Now, to business. I apologise for not posting yesterday, but I didn't get back till well after 23:00 so it was out of the question. My reason for my late-night return? My jawsome sister and her partner invited me to the cinema to watch "2012". A good film for the special effects, but the fact used within is...flimsy (I've been researching ALL theories relating to 2012 that I can find for the past 3ish years, I know a thing or two about it.) and its a bit too romanticised by the characters who could EASILY be disposed of (most of them were...XD)...but I won't give anything away and I'll let you judge for yourself.

Today, I slept in. Then, I woke up. After sitting at the computer for a while, deciding on today's music playlist, despite knowing that I wouldn't be here long enough to listen through, I went to town to...dare I say it...CHRISTMAS SHOP.
Yes folks, its time to come out of hiding and stand up to that great ugly-headed corporate monster that is a 21st century Christmas in the middle of an Economocrunch. (Economocrunch copyright to ME 2K9.) I bought some stuff, including a knecklace for a certain lady whom I really hope doesn't/won't read my blog purely because of this sentence.

Wait...since when was "necklace" spelled with a k? Ah well, I'll leave it there for posterity's sake.

Now, though I have drawn MECHA-HAWKING (see blogpost 12/11/09) I haven't got a suitable scan yet to post, so bare with me. (It has been agreed between myself, Luke Owen, Daniel Walls and others, that MECHA-HAWKING could easily kick MECHA-JEBUS' ass in a fight...this is also why MECHA-HAWKING scares Luke so.)

Other than that, not much to say. My weekends are boring. Especially when I sleep through most of them. One thing though, when I'm in town, I DO WISH PEOPLE WOULD STOP ASKING ME FOR MONEY...I'm always going to give it too you if you look like you need it. (It happened three times today...)

Argh. I'm off to bed.

Have fun, yours;


Thursday, November 12, 2009

The tale of Phluffball and the intelligence-enhancing Smarties.

So yers, turnses owt thatt Smartees mekez yoo cleverable...welp, according to the great PHILosopher Phil "Phluffball" Salter they do anyway.
Testifying that "they must make you intelligent because well, look at that Justin Hawkins, wait...Steven Hawking. He ate Smarties when he was a kid and now he' a wheelchair...but he's really clever!" Phil proved to me only one thing; if its true, he still has to eat a lot of Smarties. (XD Sorry Phluff.)

From here, the conversation went on to Hawking as a superhero, with Phil suggesting the character of "Wheelchair Access Man" whereas I said he was using the LHC as a ploy to make himself immortal inside a giant mech-suit (drawing later) a bit like a Dreadnought from Warhammer 40000 (Themz were the dayz.). He'd have a mahoosive power-glove and such...being seriously kickass-awesome for long after the Apocalypse.

Oh yeah...Phil makes really bad hot-chocolate and evidently cannot use a spoon to any effectiveness, but can very easily scald the flesh from my bones with the hot water...

However, mockery aside, I must say how much I love my dear Phluffball. He has been my friend and confidante for 14 years now, and has stood by me every step of the way, in case I'll buy him something to eat. XD Nah, he's awesome, seriously. He has to be, I mean, theres a certain, undeniable Godliness about a man that can eat 2 whole packets of polos at once (Admittedly he spat half back out in a sticky blob of Poloey goodness...but we all have our limits.) and give himself instant brainfreeze after eating certain frozen foods that were never meant to be eaten in that way.
There you go Phil, my blogological testament to your awesomness is complete, can I carry on now?

In other news...I got really hyper around lunch today and played rocketman by running high-speed around campus. People complained. Actually, now I consider it, I've been hyper most of the day...trying a slamdunk (rubbish to bin) earlier and put so much force behind it that I crashed in to a door, much to the distaste of Kris Wright. Why oh why Kris did you "hope that hurt"? IT DID NOT AFFECT YOU! ARGH!

Anyhoo...Drama project appears to be going well, with plans well set and starting to gain meat, but seriously guys (up to this point, I've written 'seriously'... 3 times? I must be a very serious person.) STOP BITCHING ABOUT BEING BITCHED ABOUT BECAUSE YOU BITCHED ABOUT THE OTHER GROUP. Its REALLY. REALLY. ANNOYING.

Blargh...don't feel good...think I may go lie down again and listen to Nickelback (they ARE good i tell you) while I read my book. I wonder what the Leed's cursedmas lights are like this evening...

Oh yeah, here be some pictures I drew last night/today (For those seeing this early, I'll try replace these photos with HD scans later if I can.);

"It was dawn, and the tree was full of Wizards." - from 'The Science of Discworld; The Globe' by Terry Pratchett.

"Being an 8 foot tall, pink rabbit has no advantages against the wrath of tiny Zombies." - An 'Arthur The Happy Rabbit' comic. (One of my long standing characters.)

Hrm...I can't believe these are what Blogspot calls "LARGE" images. You can barely see the detail.


Have fun, yours;


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


...are really inappropriate in anti-natal daycare units.

But less about that, I have Apple Lucozade (GLUCOSE AIIIIIIID!) so your oppinion is irrelevant. Turns out, people seemed to enjoy my little story yesterday, so I will do it more often. Now lessee...what happened today...


Ah well, thats that then...though I did eat a LOT of TicTacs. Ah lovez me some TicTacs...^_^
Seriously, I'm addicted to them. Its like...crazy an' shit.
Ah well. Hm...lost for which I mean there are so many I have no idea which to pick.
Spondulicks. Thats a good one. Yeah, I'll stick with that.


On that note; I HAVE BEEN READING BOOKS. (Dangerous I know, but what can you do?)
This week's series is an estuary of Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" series; The so-called "Science Of Discworld", with story by Terry Pratchett and the Sciencey bits by Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen.
Now, I know what you might be thinking, SCIENCE in Fantasy-lit? SURELY NOT, BY JERICHO! Well, yes I'm afraid, though the Discworld is no worse off for it.
There are three books in the series, all structured in alternating sections (Narrative, underlying science, narrative, underlying science...etc.) and thus very easy to navigate if you only want the story, though the science is worth a read too!
The books follow the Wizards (or Wizzards, as Rincewind might spell it.) of Unseen University as Ponder Stibbons builds and activates his "Thaumic Reactor" (cue comparisons to Nuclear power blahblahblah, you get the idea? Good, because I'm not going to keep talking science today so there.) overloads, nearly erasing the entirety of...well, entirety. Instead, HEX (UU's thinking engine.) finds a better use for all that free thaumological power and channels it in to the "Roundworld Project", which we come to find out is actually OUR world and indeed Universe, created by the Wizards in a small glass bubble. From there on, they build our Universe and...cause all types of temporal paradoxia, fight some Elves, stop themselves fighting aforementioned Elves and...prove to John Dee that magic very truly DOES NOT WORK on Roundworld by...doing magic on Roundworld.

Yeah, I thought that too.

A good series, even without the science (actually, especially without the science...I like stories. XD) and well worth popping down to the local Library for, though it begs the question...if the Wizards created our Universe...who is Terry Pratchett that he knows so much about them? A Wizard in disguise maybe? Perhaps...I do not know.

Thats all for today, I'm off to listen to classic greenday and read my book/draw some stuff.

Have fun, yours;


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

By instruction of Disturbed; I got DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS.

I have been ill allll day...freezing cold and in pain...exhausted too. So yeah, despite my promises to y'all out there in the real world, I haven't done much but sleep I'm afraid. Actually, thats about all I've done.


On a darker note, I seem to be getting steadily more depressed lately, so if (after today) my blogs become a bit vague and emo-ish...I apologise in advance. They shouldn't do though as writing/drawing always cheers me up.

Anyhoo, in regards to todays illness, I've decided to take what little detail I have and write it as a diary entry from one of my alter-egos, Sky-Captain Asmodaeus Le Noir of the Skyship "Astro-Cumulus". I hope you enjoy it, as I'll be doing this at random intervals from here on.

November 10th, 2009 - Location; The "Astro-Cumulus", in a cloudstream near South-Cathakarian Archipelago - Weather; Thin cloudstream (see loc.), otherwise clear and cold.

To my dismay, sickness has struck me, leaving me weak, in pain and ice-cold. All who know me well comment on how odd that is for me, despite the weather! I fear that it is true, I am generally impervious to the cold, why, just yesterday I strolled the deck in a thin shirt with my sleeves rolled whilst others wore thick coats! People think me mad, but I find this to be bracing weather...untill today that is anyway.

Have slept most all the day, after briefly awakening only to find myself confined to bed by the crew. It is nice to know they care. Upon awakeing later, I found myself strong enough to shuffle to the galley to make myself a warming sweetcorn broth with a thick crust of bread. After eating, I returned to bed with my book, reading long in to the evening and taking only small breaks to look out my window at the skylands as we pass.

I am not keen on the So.Cath.Archipelago, as its weather system is never reliable, ranging from bright sunshine and cold mornings to freezing rain and treachorously high winds in the course of a few hours. Regardless, the environment is something worth seeing. The local skylands are rich with autumnal colouring, and the Nimbus Whales are to be seen in great number, which is reassuring, considering their scarcity in recent years. Then again, as our finds have already shown, the ENTIRE Cathakarian Archipelago is a natural wonder when it comes to unexplored terrain and unknown creatures.

I shall leave my entry here, as I hope to be well for duties tomorrow. I must sleep if this is to be possible.


Sky-Captain Asmodaeus le Noir.

Monday, November 09, 2009

So yeah, turns out; Purple is STILL a colour.

So yeah, a week since my last blog! People have complained...(they really have, I was quite flattered.) Apologies for my absence, I've been a combination of really busy or really tired thus making updating awkward. So, I figure that today I'll do a blow-by-blow account of my week as I remember it then get back to schedule tomorrow.

Went to school, waited for Thursday.

Went to School, waited for Thursday, met cats and thus had good fun...more probably happened but I forget.

Went to school, didn't wait for Thursday as it was already here, so instead waited for the evening. Evening arrived and I met Leah, together we went to a street party across the road from my house. Plenty of FREE tasty food and FREE tasty d-rink...though the cider tasted odd.
Was put incharge of Fireworks (general consensus is that this was possibly the worst idea of the evening...putting ME in a position of responsibilty around explosives...muahahahaaaa...) Nearly blew up a crowd of people due to faulty Firework rocket, felt very guilty all rest of evening. Nearly blew up myself with another faulty Firework (you'd think I'd have learned by this point...) but didn't feel too bothered as it was probably a twisted form of Karmic vengeance for earlier explosion.
Enjoyed rest of evening, "acquired" leftover Sparklers and very tasty cold lager and went home.
Walked Leah home, returned, slept.

Went to school, waited for evening as was Eliot and Dan's 18th. Found a giant Joker card on top of school lockers, cleaned Sixth Form centre, went home, slept, awoke, had shower, went to partay.
Partayed all evening, possibly made non-specific mistake annnnnd...danced. A lot. Yay.
Went home, slept.

Died...probably. Missed Nadia's 18th due to unceromonious potential demise, slept a lot.

Errrrrrrr...nothing too specific. Started drawing an AWESOME picture based on one of Nancy's Facebook photos. Will post later when finished.

Went to school, fulfilled Gareth's challenge of shouting the "Professor! I have to tell you about the future!" line from "Back To The Future" at builder on top of high scaffolding, with appropriate accent to boot, much fun was had. Rescued Husky from wrath of school and road, waited/played with Husky till pound warden came to acquire said hound. Went home, met Manx cat/cat without tail and VERY LARGE WHITE CAT WITH EYEPATCH...which was undeniably jawsome. Had massive fight with mother, who punched me in the eye and has given me final notice...must start looking for places to live tomorrow.

So there you last week. It is irritatling to think that on some of those days, I had some kewl stuff to post here, but have since forgotten them...

Back to normal tomorrow. But yeah...that "Back To The Future" line was CLASSIC.

Have fun, yours;


Monday, November 02, 2009

Inefficient technology, no indicators and more trust from a rival than a Father = FRUSTRATION.

Cowards that hide behind thier words, don't care if feelings will get hurt, thier eyes are blinded by thier rage, beware the voice without a face! - Billy Talent "Covered In Cowardice"

I heard these lyrics as I began to write this post...they made me think about the words in my mind. I am not to hide behind my words for these statements I am to make, for those who read this know my name and those the comments regard (save one) will know they're written purely for them to read! If issues are found within what I write, they may take it up with me face to face, after all I am only upstairs from them as they read this. Yes Father, it is you of whom I speak.

One line in those lyrics is true to the word however "BEWARE THE VOICE WITHOUT A FACE!" a truer word was never uttered by poisoned lips. Through blogging especially (as a modern medium of media) the world may learn of venemous rumours and truths, the acts of liars, thieves and traitors (those whom would currently be dubbed "politicians" in the UK) of love, hate, war and peace. The world indeed may learn of things that could well bring structured society to it's knees. Lo, indeed now do you begin to truly comprehend the reasoning behind my URL on Blogspot "the peaceful anarchist". Through words and language will the world be changed for the better or for the worst, with a small rumour inciting threats of invasion and war or a mere complement forging decrees of peace and building bridges of hopeful alliance between old enemies! The time for the military and the use of money has run its course in this world, with Leaders becoming so red-eye desperate for a fight that they build controversy over the possibility of thier having nuclear weapons, despite knowing that threatening the biggest bully in school (God save America! God save the USA! They'll accuse you if you're asian and ban marriage if you're gay!) when you're nought but the speccy short-arse with health issues (*cough* KIM *cough* JONG *cough* IL *cough**choke**splutter**die...*) is only serving to get yourself a collosal nuclear "swirly"! Violence is unnecessary, and to change that, we must change the world, rebuild on a foundation of bad memories a new society based on equality and the Marxist ethic; "From each according to his own to each according to his needs". I do not mean communism, because that is a political denomination, we must transcend the petty requirement for religion and politics by disposing of the desire for material value and focus on material USE! If you give a man the means to do, he may then repay you by using those means to get things done! Equal forms of trade that do not require monetrial wealth!

Ahem...anyhoo, rant over. Apologies all, I just needed to vent some stress and now you know a little more about my views and ideals. Now...back to the titled subject.

I went to school feeling proud of my achievments with a short film I had had to make for my drama group's final performance. Upon testing the project on the school system however, it appears they do not have sufficient technology to tend to my requirements! Much distress was experienced. On a lighter note, I did acquire complements regarding the script I wrote for the same performance which is always positive for an aspiring writer and actor like myself. All good things must occur in time however and within about 30 seconds of my finishing this sentence, my video should be suitably converted for the useless school system.

That out of the way, the day went as otherwise expected, homework was given, cardgames were played and guilt was thrown but ignored. (I had failed to meet someone over the holidays to do work. He has no phone and is never on MSN and wonders why I didn't apologise until today.) But yes! I headed home after educational and proceeded to nearly get pancaked by a maniacal Taxi driver who dared to spin the corner without indicators on! As his window was open on the drivers side, I shouted my unwavering support for idiot drivers everywhere, especially those who DO NOT INDICATE AT CORNERS. (If indeed at all.) I found myself and my comments to be duely ignored.

Now, the final issue of the day. Father dear, this one goes out to you;
Ladies and Gentlemen who have sighted thier eyes upon my post of the day prior to today will know that I commented on the high and luxuriant quality of mother's homemade Damson Gin. I made a jokey comment after this regarding the potential of my secretive acquisition of a greater sample of afore-mentioned Gin within my hip flask. My Father, (Yes Father, thats you.) upon reading this comment, took me all too seriously for either my liking or advantage. He has since searched my room in my absence and, upon finding my flask and hearing it "slosh" with content, has accused me of acting upon my jape! "By heaven" say I unto him, "I have not taken such unscrupulous action!" I fear I may not deem that his response was positive in my favour.
In regards to the content of my flask Father, it was what remained of a tote of Rum (Cap'n Morgan's no less!) of which I had acquired in recent times at a certain celebratory event! Wish you still to address this matter further, be aware that I do not and that my current emotional state does not permit me to regard you with any cheerful disposition.

Anyhume...toffee-nosed Victorian thespian act over and done with, (which, I do declare, I began as a merry joke and found myself continuing with unintentionally, as if 'twas my standard dialect!) I think I shall leave you all for the evening, one of which I hope you find most enjoyable might I add, for I am to work.

Have fun, yours;


Sunday, November 01, 2009


For those unaccustomed to this peculiar British...custom, one is expected to shout "White Rabbit" as the first thing they say on the first day of every month. Now, I failed at achieving this today, so instead I used it as the title of today's blog. The more you know eh?

Anyhoo! High winds have swept my thoughts (and my hair) all over the place today. Today, that is to say, the last day of my School half term! Argh...with work still to do in many different modes via three different mediums, I realise I haven't actually done much that could be counted as essentially productive over this last week. Argh, my English teachers will gut me alive.

Other news for today entails the fact that I unintentionally punched my hand through a sheet of hard plastic on the oven-vent, cutting my knuckles in the process. As a result, I bled. But worry not, I am fine...cannot say the same for the plastic though, which shattered on contact.

On an unrelated note; I love the Ginger Cake and Damson gin my mother makes...I'm off to try sneak some of the gin in to my hip flask for the coming weeks busy evenings.

Thats all for now I think, as I say, an uneventful day. I'm off for a shower.

Have fun, yours;


P.S. - Some after-hours photos taken for laughs after the protests yesterday and one of some Shisha pipes, also post-protest.

Oh, the drama that was had...all we could find that remained of those brave 1200...a lone Socialist banner. (Actually, there were loads but...)

The great and glorious N3CR0B4RN53R (XD) Posing with the fallen standard once more in memory of recent events.

Prettyful Shisha pipes. First and probably last time I'll ever smoke at first, but I felt quite ill after a while.