Thursday, November 12, 2009

The tale of Phluffball and the intelligence-enhancing Smarties.

So yers, turnses owt thatt Smartees mekez yoo cleverable...welp, according to the great PHILosopher Phil "Phluffball" Salter they do anyway.
Testifying that "they must make you intelligent because well, look at that Justin Hawkins, wait...Steven Hawking. He ate Smarties when he was a kid and now he' a wheelchair...but he's really clever!" Phil proved to me only one thing; if its true, he still has to eat a lot of Smarties. (XD Sorry Phluff.)

From here, the conversation went on to Hawking as a superhero, with Phil suggesting the character of "Wheelchair Access Man" whereas I said he was using the LHC as a ploy to make himself immortal inside a giant mech-suit (drawing later) a bit like a Dreadnought from Warhammer 40000 (Themz were the dayz.). He'd have a mahoosive power-glove and such...being seriously kickass-awesome for long after the Apocalypse.

Oh yeah...Phil makes really bad hot-chocolate and evidently cannot use a spoon to any effectiveness, but can very easily scald the flesh from my bones with the hot water...

However, mockery aside, I must say how much I love my dear Phluffball. He has been my friend and confidante for 14 years now, and has stood by me every step of the way, in case I'll buy him something to eat. XD Nah, he's awesome, seriously. He has to be, I mean, theres a certain, undeniable Godliness about a man that can eat 2 whole packets of polos at once (Admittedly he spat half back out in a sticky blob of Poloey goodness...but we all have our limits.) and give himself instant brainfreeze after eating certain frozen foods that were never meant to be eaten in that way.
There you go Phil, my blogological testament to your awesomness is complete, can I carry on now?

In other news...I got really hyper around lunch today and played rocketman by running high-speed around campus. People complained. Actually, now I consider it, I've been hyper most of the day...trying a slamdunk (rubbish to bin) earlier and put so much force behind it that I crashed in to a door, much to the distaste of Kris Wright. Why oh why Kris did you "hope that hurt"? IT DID NOT AFFECT YOU! ARGH!

Anyhoo...Drama project appears to be going well, with plans well set and starting to gain meat, but seriously guys (up to this point, I've written 'seriously'... 3 times? I must be a very serious person.) STOP BITCHING ABOUT BEING BITCHED ABOUT BECAUSE YOU BITCHED ABOUT THE OTHER GROUP. Its REALLY. REALLY. ANNOYING.

Blargh...don't feel good...think I may go lie down again and listen to Nickelback (they ARE good i tell you) while I read my book. I wonder what the Leed's cursedmas lights are like this evening...

Oh yeah, here be some pictures I drew last night/today (For those seeing this early, I'll try replace these photos with HD scans later if I can.);

"It was dawn, and the tree was full of Wizards." - from 'The Science of Discworld; The Globe' by Terry Pratchett.

"Being an 8 foot tall, pink rabbit has no advantages against the wrath of tiny Zombies." - An 'Arthur The Happy Rabbit' comic. (One of my long standing characters.)

Hrm...I can't believe these are what Blogspot calls "LARGE" images. You can barely see the detail.


Have fun, yours;


1 comment:

Be nice, avoid pointless insults, but always speak the truth. If you like it, or even if you don't, be free in your words and let me know why.